
Confessions of a Former Murderer, Paul's Incredible Journey to Redemption

Paul is a character from the Bible known for his boldness, joy, and faith in Jesus Christ but he was also known as Saul. He had a hunger to spread the gospel of Christ and proclaim the truth wherever he went. Paul was human, like myself and yourself, and he also had a not-so-pleasant past. Paul, before he was crucified with Christ, was a murderer. He was so much against the Christians who proudly spoke about the resurrection of Jesus that he himself said,

Is Jesus God, What Does the Bible Say?

Some Christians have disagreements about the deity of Christ and whether He should be respected and worshipped as God. Some denominations claim that He is the Son of God, while others claim that He is a special servant or an angel, and still others claim that He is God the Son who also lived as a human being on earth. I will address some of the arguments and claims about Jesus being God and answer the pressing question: is Jesus God?

5 Things to Practice to Improve Your Relationship With God

As Christians, we know that a relationship with God is a central aspect of our faith. But sometimes, it can be hard to know how to deepen that relationship because of life, circumstances, trauma, and so forth. It is very easy to focus on the negatives rather than the positives because that is how our human nature is, but the Holy Spirit has given us self-control as one of His fruits.

If You Are Struggling With Sin, This is What You Need to Do

Struggling with sin is part and parcel of being a Christian because when you give your life to Christ, you'll be surrendering yourself in your sinful state to God in order for Him to make you right with Him. Getting into right standing with God means admitting that you are a sinner and accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior from damnation.

Who Is God and Who Created Him?

The Bible gives us an answer to this question, but it is not straightforward to anyone, especially to those who haven't taken the time to read and study the Bible. However, I'll do the best I can to explain it to you.

Why Lying is Such a Dangerous Sin and Destructive in Your Life

Lying is probably, if not, the most common sin among Christians and non-believers alike. The reason I say so is not simply because people lie every time or most of the time they speak, but because lies have a much deeper impact than we could imagine. A lie can destroy trust, love, and faith. It can also destroy a business, a church, a relationship, a family, an organization, or any other example you can think of.

Young Christian Couples Don't Rush Into Marriage

While there are young Christian couples who want to get married with good intentions and for good reasons, there exists the total opposite on the other side of this topic. Many Christians want to get married for the right reasons, while some mainly seek marriage to gain the freedom to have sex without it being a sin. Scripture does encourage this, but it is not in the way we tend to view it. So let's talk about it.